13th European Workshop on
Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2025)

13th - 16th October 2025, Valletta, Malta


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Call for Papers

The 13th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing will be held on 13th - 16th October 2025, in Valletta, Malta; the first day will be dedicated to (one-day) tutorials. The workshop will bring together leading experts from academia and industry interested in visual information processing, applications and performance assessment for all types of visual modalities. The program will feature lecture, poster and plenary sessions, as well as special sessions and tutorials.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Modalities

  • Conventional image and video

  • Stereoscopic, multi-view and 360o image and video

  • Light fields, point clouds, meshes and holography

  • Multi-spectral and hyper-spectral imaging

  • Medical imaging

  • Visual information processing tasks:

  • Sensing, representation, modelling and registration

  • Computational vision modelling and processing

  • Perceptual-based processing

  • Vision Language Models

  • Restoration, denoising and enhancement

  • Detection, recognition, retrieval and classification

  • Coding and transmission

  • Analysis and understanding

  • Synthesis, rendering and visualization

  • Distributed visual information processing

  • Performance assessment

  • Subjective and objective quality

  • Multimodal quality

  • Quality of experience

  • Task-based performance

  • Immersive experiences

  • Emerging performance assessment methods

  • Applications, services, architectures and systems

  • Biometrics, forensics, trust and security

  • Augmented and virtual reality

  • Personal communications and social networks

  • Gaming and broadcasting

  • Medical, education, cultural and industry

  • Drones and autonomous vehicles

  • Cloud-based and distributed architectures and systems

  • Emerging applications, services, architectures and systems

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers, with a maximum of 7 pages of technical content, figures, and references, through the submission system (page 7 should contain only references). Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Accepted papers will be presented in a lecture or poster session. Regular papers presented at the conference will be included in the workshop proceedings. As for the previous EUVIP workshops, all accepted regular papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore (approval from IEEE pending). EUVIP 2025 will recognize outstanding contributions with the Best Paper Award, for the most distinguished regular paper, as well as the Best Student Paper Award and the Student Demo Award.

Important Dates

Click on a date to add it to your Google Calendar.

Special Session Proposals18th April, 2025
Special Session Notifications28th April, 2025
Tutorial Proposals18th April, 2025
Tutorial Notifications28th April, 2025
Paper Submissions23rd May, 2025
Paper Notifications21st July, 2025
Project Dissemination Paper Submissions30th July, 2025
Camera Ready Submissions30th July, 2025

General Chairs

Technical Program Chairs

Plenary Chairs

Special Sessions Chairs

Tutorials Chairs

Student Session Chairs

Awards Chairs

Industry Liaison Chairs

Demos & Exhibition Session Chairs

Panel Discussion Chair

Project Dissemination Chair

Publications Chairs

Publicity Committee

Web Chair


Author Kit

Templates for LaTeX and Word are available for download.

Double-blind submission! Please DO NOT include author name(s) and affiliation(s) in the submitted paper!

Full Papers may be no longer than six (6) pages (4 minimum), including figures, tables and references. Project Dissemination Papers may be no longer than two (2) pages, including figures, tables and references. All submissions must be in A4-sized PDF. All fonts and subsets must be embedded in the PDF file. We recommend that you use the Word or LaTeX IEEE conference templates to produce your document, since they have been set up to meet the formatting guidelines required. When using these files, please double-check the paper size in your page setup to make sure you are using the A4-size paper layout. The papers that do not conform to the formatting guidelines will not be considered.

Given the double-blind review process, applicable to Full Papers only, authors should not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers should not know the names of the authors. Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves the anonymity of the authors.

  • Do not put the authors’ names or affiliations under the title.

  • Avoid using phrases such as “our previous work” when referring to earlier publications by the authors.

  • Remove information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grants).

  • Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors.

EUVIP 2025 requires each accepted paper to be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. One of the authors must register for the conference at one of the non-student rates offered, and must register before the deadline given for author registration. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEE Xplore.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors guarantee that it is not previously published or under review elsewhere in substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of the submission should be submitted during the review period to either a journal or a conference. If there are papers that may appear to violate any of these conditions, then it is the authors’ responsibility to (a) cite these papers (preserving anonymity), (b) argue in the body of your paper why your paper is nontrivially different from these concurrent submissions, and (c) include anonymized versions of those papers with the submission.

Paper Submission

Double-blind submission! Please DO NOT include author name(s) and affiliation(s) in the submitted paper!

Full Papers

Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit their full papers in English, not exceeding six (6) pages using the format described in the author kit. Full papers must describe original and unpublished work on the topics of the Conference. The language of the Conference is English. Submit an anonymized version of the paper. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process.

Submissions will be judged on suitability, originality, significance, correctness, validation, thoroughness, replicability, and clarity. Submitted papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least 2 experts in the field. Final versions of accepted papers must take into account reviewers comments.

Full papers may be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the Technical Program Chairs. Decisions on presentation format will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. EUVIP does not consider the presentation style to be any indicator of the quality of the work. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between full papers presented orally and as posters. Accepted papers will also be included in the Conference Proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

Project Dissemination Papers


Student Session


Special Sessions